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310415, ATHENIAN, Reggio Calabria, Museo Nazionale, Reggio Calabria, Museo Nazionale, 12862

  • Vase Number: 310415
  • Fabric: ATHENIAN
  • Technique: BLACK-FIGURE
  • Provenance: ITALY, LOCRI
  • Date: -575 to -525
  • Attributed To: Manner of EXEKIAS by PROCOPIO
  • Current Collection: Reggio Calabria, Museo Nazionale: 4001
  • Previous Collections:
    • Reggio Calabria, Museo Nazionale: 12862
  • Publication Record: Archäologischer Anzeiger: 1998, 377, FIG.3 (PART)
    Beazley, J.D., Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painters (Oxford, 1956): 147.6, 147, 714
    Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 61
    Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T. and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 41
    Comella, A and Mele, S. (eds.), Depositi votivi e culti dell'Italia antica dall'eta arcaica a quella tardo-republicana (Bari, 2005): 706, PL.2C
    Giudice E. and Giudice, G. (eds.), Studi miscellanei di ceramografia Greca III (Catania, 2017): 36, PL.3, FIG.8
    Giudice, E. and Giudice, G. (eds.), Studi Miscellanei di Ceramografia Greca V (Catania, 2019): 25-26, PLS.2-3 (INCL. COLOUR OF PARTS)
    Hayashi, T., Bedeutung und Wandel des Triptolemosbildes vom 6.-4. Jh.v.Chr., Beiträge zur Archäologie 20 (Würzburg, 1992): PL.1 (A, PART OF A)
    Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae: V, PL.86, HERAKLES 2592
    Oakley, J.H. et al., Athenian Potters and Painters, The Conference Proceedings (Oxford, 1997): 98, FIG.1
    Reusser, C. and Bürge, M. (eds.), Exekias und seine Welt: Tagung an der Universität Zürich vom 1.–2. März 2019, Züricher Archäologische Forschungen 8 (Zurich, 2022): PL.15B
    Schefold, K. and Jung, F., Die Urkönige, Perseus, Bellerophon, Herakles und Theseus in der klassischen und hellenistischen Kunst (Munich, 1988): FIG.38
    Shapiro, H.A., Art and Cult under the Tyrants in Athens (Mainz, 1989): PL.33A
  • AVI Web:
  • AVI Record Number: 6888
  • LIMC ID: 906
  • LIMC Web:
  • CAVI Collection: Reggio Calabria, Museo Nazionale 4001.
  • CAVI Lemma: Fr. of BF amphora. From Locri, Sanctuary of Persephone. Manner of Exekias{1}; Exekias (Schwarz). Third quarter sixth. Ca. 530 (Schwarz).
  • CAVI Subject: Neck: Heracles and Cerberus. Body: A: Demeter mounting a chariot, with Triptolemos, Athena, Heracles, Hermes and Ploutodotas (= Iakchos).
  • CAVI Inscriptions: Body: A: above Triptolemos' head: Τριπτολεμος̣, retr. To right of Athena's forehead: Αθενας. Below the horses' bellies: h[ερακλες or -κλεος]. To left of his face: Πλουτοδο^τας, end-boustr. On the horse, Gr.: a dotted circle and a sigma or snake(?): horse brands.
  • CAVI Footnotes: {1} close to Exekias, Beazley, who compares Exekias' North Slope krater (ABV 145/19).
  • CAVI Comments: Found in the early century but not published til 1952. D. Williams: the subject of A is perhaps appropriate to a Locrian sanctuary. He also discusses the `non-Attic' forms of Ploutodotas and Athenas. Shapiro thinks that the vase celebrates the founding of the Lesser Eleusinian Mysteries in Athens. Schauenburg identifies Ploutodotas with Pluto; Beazley called the figure Pluton in ARV[2], but corrected it in Para. to `strictly, Ploutodotas'; Procopio suggested Hades but left the identification open, saying that many divinities have this epithet [see LSJ, s.v. πλουτοδοτης]. Shapiro has much discussion of other identifications. Simon suggests Dionysus-Iakchos. Shapiro himself thinks Ploutodotas the Orphic name of Zeus Meilichios. Cf. M.H. Jameson et al., A Lex Sacra from Selinous (GRBS Monographs 11, 1993) 95 n. 13. Matheson.: most scholars assume an Eleusinian setting but Boardman and Shapiro think of an Athenian connection: Boardman (1975a), 1-12. Shapiro, Art and Cult 78ff. Hayashi numbers the representation as type A, of which this is the only example. Nilsson referred it to the Hom. hymn to Demeter, which represented the Eleusinian rural religion. Hayashi argues against this (15f., 27f.): he relates the picture to the introduction of the Eleusinian cult to Athens under Solon. The handwriting is certainly not Exekias'.
  • CAVI Number: 6888
  • AVI Bibliography: Orsi (1909), 474 (not ill.). — Procopio (1952), 153ff., pls. 30,1 and 31-32. — Schauenburg (1953), 47 and n. 41 (not ill.). — ABV (1956), 147/6, 714. — H. Metzger (1965), pls. 1, below, and 2. — Nilsson (1967), 860 (further bibl. by Nilsson, Hayashi 93 n. 26). — Para. (1971), 61. — Peschlow-Bindokat (1972), 73 and 146f. — Boardman (1975a), pl. 1,a. — Bianchi (1976), fig. 12. — D. Williams (1982), 28-29. — G. Schwarz (1988), 575-77 and nn. 8-16, fig. 1 (after Arch. Class.) (much bibl.). — Add.[2] (1989), 41. — Shapiro (1989), 70 n., 75, 78-81, 117 n., pl. 33,a. — Hayashi (1992), 11, 13 with n. 42, 126/1, pl. 1,1-2. — Matheson (1994), 364-66. — Simon (1997), 98, fig. 1.
  • CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)
  • Pleiades URI:
  • Coordinates: 38.233589,16.263651
  • Pleiades Coordinates: 38.2262955,16.2443395
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