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207321, ATHENIAN, Boston (MA), Museum of Fine Arts, 13.196

  • Vase Number: 207321
  • Fabric: ATHENIAN
  • Technique: RED-FIGURE
  • Shape Name: OINOCHOE
  • Provenance: ITALY, SICILY, GELA
  • Date: -475 to -425
  • Attributed To: CHICAGO P by BEAZLEY
  • Current Collection: Boston (MA), Museum of Fine Arts: 13.196
  • Publication Record: American Journal of Archaeology: 111 (2007) 48, FIG.13 (BD)
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    Burn, L. and Glynn, R., Beazley Addenda (Oxford, 1982): 133
    Böhr, E. and Martini, W. (eds.), Studien zur Mythologie und Vasenmalerei, Festschrift für Konrad Schauenburg (Mainz, 1986): 103
    Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T. and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 272
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    VELEIA. Revista de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua, Arqueologia y Filologia Clasicas: 20 (2003) 287, FIG.4 (BD)
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