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202924, ATHENIAN, Würzburg, Universität, Martin von Wagner Museum, Würzburg, Universität, Martin von Wagner Museum, 515

  • Vase Number: 202924
  • Fabric: ATHENIAN
  • Technique: RED-FIGURE
  • Shape Name: STAMNOS
  • Date: -500 to -450
  • Attributed To: Related to SYRISKOS by NEER
  • Current Collection: Würzburg, Universität, Martin von Wagner Museum: L515
  • Previous Collections:
    • Würzburg, Universität, Martin von Wagner Museum: 515
  • Publication Record: American Journal of Archaeology: 22 (1918) 151 (A)
    Antike Kunst: 56 (2013) PL.8.2 (COLOUR OF A)
    Antike Welt: 32 (2001) 2, 179, FIGS.1A-B (COLOUR OF A AND B)
    Antike Welt: 6 (2013) 67, FIG.3 (COLOUR OF A)
    Archäologische Zeitung: 1883, 45, 48, PL.12
    Azoulay, V. (ed.), The Tyrant - Slayers of Ancient Athens, A Tale of Two Statues (Oxford, 2017): 186, FIG.A1 (A)
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    Beckel, G., Froning, H., and Simon, E., Werke der Antike im Martin-von-Wagner Museum der Universität Würzburg (Mainz, 1983): 103, NO.44 (A)
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    Boulter, C. (ed.), Greek Art, Archaic into Classical (Leiden, 1985): PLS.64-65 (A,B, PART)
    Burn, L. and Glynn, R., Beazley Addenda (Oxford, 1982): 101
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    Cohen, B. (ed.), Not the Classical Ideal, Athens and the Construction of the Other in Greek Art (Leiden, Boston and Köln, 2000): 95, FIG.3.10 (A)
    Coulson, W.D.E. et al. (eds.), The Archaeology of Athens and Attica under the Democracy (Oxford, 1994): 123, FIG.1 (A)
    Etudes de Lettres: 1983 (4) 29, FIG.19 (A)
    Farmakovski, Vazovaya Zhivopiskyeya Otnoshenie k Monumentalnomu Iskusstvu v Epokhu Neprosredstvenno poslye Greko-Peridskikh Voin: I, 219 (A)
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    Geroulanos, S. and Bridler, R., Trauma, Wund-Entstehung und Wund-Pflege im antiken Griechenland (Mainz, 1994): FIG.15 (A)
    Grimm, G., Von der Liebe zur Antiken Welt, Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie (Mainz, 2005): 90, FIGS.1A-B (COLOUR OF A AND B)
    Klio: 20, PLS.1-4
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    Langlotz, E., Griechische Vasen in Wurzburg (Munich, 1932): PLS.182-3, 210
    Lear, A., and Cantarella, E., Images of ancient Greek pederasty, Boys were their gods (London and New York, 2008): 102, FIG.2.23 (A)
    Mannack, T., Griechische Vasenmalerei, Eine Einführung, 2nd edition (Darmstadt, 2012): 59, FIG.21 (A)
    Neer, R.T., Style and Politics in Athenian Vase-Painting, The Craft of Democracy, ca.530-460 B.C.E. (Cambridge, 2002): 174, FIGS.84.85 (A, B)
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    Norskov, V. et al. (eds.), The World of Greek Vases (Rome, 2009): 223, 225, FIGS.4, 6 (A, B)
    Oakley, J.H. et al., Athenian Potters and Painters, The Conference Proceedings (Oxford, 1997): 176, FIG.7 (A)
    Osborne, R., The Transformation of Athens Painted Pottery and the Creation of Classical Greece (Princeton and Oxford, 2018): 232, FIG.10.3 (A)
    Pedley, J.G., Greek Art and Archaeology. Fifth Edition (London, 2011): 232, FIG.7.37 (COLOUR OF A)
    Schmidt, S. and Stähli, A. (eds.), Vasenbilder im Kulturtransfer, Zirkulation und Rezeption griechischer Keramik im Mittelmeerraum, Beiheft zum Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum Deutschland V (Munich, 2012): 59, FIG.1 (A)
    Simon, E., Führer, Martin von Wagner Museums der Universität Würzburg (Würzburg, 1975): PL.42 (A)
    Stansbury-O'Donnell, M.D, Pictorial Narrative in Ancient Greek Art (Cambridge, 1999): 81, FIG.35 (A)
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    Teegarden, D.A., Death to tyrants! Ancient Greek democracy and the struggle against tyranny (Princeton, 2014): FRONT COVER (COLOUR OF PART OF A)
    Yatromanolakis, D. (ed.), An Archaeology of Representations, Ancient Greek Vase-Painting and contemporary Methodologies (Athens, 2009): 19, FIG.7 (A)
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