Main SiteGandhara ConnectionsVase Corpus (CVA Online)

200102, ATHENIAN, Campana Collection, Brussels, Musées Royaux, Brussels, Musées Royaux, Brussels, Musées Royaux, H9

  • Vase Number: 200102
  • Fabric: ATHENIAN
  • Technique: RED-FIGURE
  • Shape Name: STAMNOS
  • Date: -550 to -500
  • Inscriptions: ANTIAS
    Transcription: EUALKIDES
  • Attributed To: SMIKROS by SIGNATURE
  • Current Collection: Brussels, Musées Royaux: A717
  • Previous Collections:
    • Campana Collection
    • Brussels, Musées Royaux: H9
    • Brussels, Musées Royaux: 2190
  • Publication Record: Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene: 29-30 (1967-68) 339, FIG.12 (PART OF A)
    Antike Kunst: 14 (1971) PL.21.1 (B)
    Antike Kunstwerke aus der Sammlung Ludwig, vol. 1 (Basel, 1979): 221, FIG.5 (B)
    Antike Welt: 1988, SONDERNUMMER, 53, FIG.83 (PART OF A)
    Antike Welt: 32 (2001) 186, FIG.6 (PART OF A)
    Archeologia Classica: 33 (1981) PL.64 (PART OF A)
    Arrington, N.T., Athens at the Margins: Pottery and People in the Early Mediterranean World (Princeton, 2021): 185, FIG.6.1 (A)
    Bazant, J., Les citoyens sur les vases atheniens, Rocnik 95 (1985) 2: PLS.21.34, 31.50 (A)
    Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 20.1, 1619
    Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-figure Vase-painters, 1st ed. (Oxford, 1942): 20.1
    Beazley, J.D., Attische Vasenmaler des rotfigurigen Stils (Tübingen, 1925): 62.1
    Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 322
    Belloni, L., Bonandini, A., Ierano, G., and Moretti, G. (eds.), Le Immagini nel Testo, il Testo nelle Immagini, Rapporti fra parola e visualita nella tradizione greco-latina (Trento, 2010): 63-4, FIGS.5-6 (A, B, COLOUR OF PART OF A)
    Boardman, J., Athenian Red Figure Vases (London, 1975): FIG.32.1,2 (B, PART OF A)
    Browning, R.(ed), The Greek World: Classical, Byzantine and Modern (London, 1985): 89 BELOW (PART OF B)
    Brule, P., Women of Ancient Greece (Edinburgh, 2003): 206 (A)
    Bundrick, S.D., Music and Image in Classical Athens (Cambridge, 2005): 114, FIG.68 (A)
    Burn, L. and Glynn, R., Beazley Addenda (Oxford, 1982): 74
    Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T. and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 154
    Cazzato, V. (ed.), The Symposion: Drinking Greek Style. Essays on Greek Pleasure 1983-2017 Oswyn Murray (Oxford, 2018): 146, FIG.10 (A)
    Charbonneaux, J., Martin, R., and Villard, F., Archaic Greek Art (London, 1971): 332, FIG.381 (PART OF A)
    Christiansen, J. and Melander, T., Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Ancient Greek and Related Pottery, Copenhagen 31.8.-4.9.87 (Copenhagen, 1988): 307, FIG.10 (A)
    Cloche, P., Les classes, les metiers, le trafic (Paris, 1931): PL.21.3 (A)
    Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BRUSSELS, MUSEES ROYAUX D'ART ET D'HISTOIRE (CINQUANTENAIRE) 2, III.I.C.6-III.I.C.7, PLS.(065,066) 12.1A-D, 13.1A.1B.1C View Whole CVA Plates
    Das Altertum: 34 (1988) 3, 139, FIG.8 (PART OF A)
    Dedalo: 1 (1920) 159 (B)
    Fantham, E. et al., Women in the Classical World, Image and Text (New York, 1994): 281, FIG.10.1 (A)
    Fellmuth, N. et al., Der Jenaer Maler, Eine Töpferwerkstatt im klassischen Athen (Wiesbaden, 1996): 36, FIG.25 (PART OF B)
    Filser, W., Die Elite Athens auf der attischen Luxuskeramik, Image & Context 16 (Berlin, Munich, Boston, 2017): 165-166, FIGS.46A-B (A, B)
    Frel, J., Greek Portraits in the J. Paul Getty Museum (Malibu, 1981): 8, FIG.19 (PART OF A)
    Giudice, F. and Panvini, R. (eds.), Il greco, il barbaro e la ceramica attica, Immaginario del diverso, processi di scambio e autorappresentazione degli indegni, Volume Quarto, Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi 14-19 maggio 2001 (Rome, 2007): 146, FIG.3 (B)
    Grimm, G., Von der Liebe zur Antiken Welt, Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie (Mainz, 2005): 96, FIG.6 (PART OF A)
    Harvard University Art Museums Bulletin: SPRING 1997, 15, FIG.5 (B)
    Hedreen, G., The Image of the Artist in Archaic and Classical Greece: Art, Poetry, and Subjectivity (Cambridge, 2016): 2, FIG.1, 25, FIG.5, 27, FIG.7, PL.1 AT 176 (B, PARTS OF A, COLOUR OF A)
    Hoppin, A., A handbook of Attic red-figured vases signed by or attributed to the various masters of the sixth and fifth centuries B.C. (Cambridge, 1919): II, 417
    Hurwit, J.M., Artists and Signatures in Ancient Greece (Cambridge, 2015): IX (COLOUR OF A)
    Hurwit, J.M., The Art and Culture of Early Greece, 1100-480 (Ithaca, 1985): 267, FIG.114 (PART OF A)
    Isler-Kerenyi, C., Dionysos in Classical Athens. An Understanding through Images (Leiden and Boston, 2014): 33, FIG.12 (DRAWING OF A)
    J. Paul Getty Museum Journal: 14 (1986), 18, FIG.18 (A)
    Jacobsthal, P., Ornamente Griechischer Vasen (Berlin, 1927): PL.92B (SIDE)
    Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts: 126 (2011) 22, FIG.27 (PART OF A)
    Kanowski, M.G., Containers of Classical Greece, A Handbook of Shapes (St. Lucia, London, and New York, 1983): 142 (B)
    Kernos: 5 (1992) 180, FIG.1 (PART OF A)
    Keuls, E., The Reign of the Phallus (New York, 1985): 213, FIG.185 (A)
    Keuls, E.C., Painter and Poet in Ancient Greece, Iconography and the Literary Arts (Stuttgart and Leipzig, 1997): 390, 406, 410, FIGS.29, 62, 69 (A, PART OF A)
    Kistler, E., Funktionalisierte Keltenbilder, die Indienstnahme der Kelten zur Vermittlung von Normen und Werten in der hellenischen Welt (Berlin, 2009): PL.13.2 (DRAWING OF B)
    Kurtz, D.C. (ed.), Greek Vases, Lectures by J.D. Beazley (Oxford, 1989): PL.25.3-4 (A, PART OF A)
    Kéi, N., L'esthétique des fleurs, kosmos, poikilia et kharis dans la céramique attique du VIe et du Ve siècle av. n. ère, ICON 22 (Berlin and Boston, 2022): 129, FIG.95 (A)
    Lee, M.M., Body, Dress and Identity in Ancient Greece (Cambridge, 2015): 159, FIG.5.19 (PART OF A)
    Lissarrague, F. et al., La Cite des Images, Religion et Societe en Grece Antique (Lausanne, 1984): 15, FIG.17 (B), 124, FIG.174 (A)
    Lissarrague, F., The Aesthetics of the Greek Banquet, Images of Wine and Ritual (Princeton, 1990): 23, FIG.10 (DRAWING OF B)
    Martens, D., Une esthetique de la transgression: le vase grec de la fin de l'epoque geometrique au debut de l'epoque classique (Brussels, 1992): 108, FIG.45 (B)
    Meddelelser fra Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek: 47 (1991) 24, FIG.23 (B)
    Metropolitan Museum Journal: 43 (2008) 19, FIG.19 (COLOUR OF A)
    Monuments et memoires publies par l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres: 9 (1902) PLS.2-3
    Moon, W.G. (ed.), Polykleitos, the Doryphoros, and Tradition (Madison) 1995: 33-34, FIGS.3.11-3.12 (PARTS OF A)
    Neer, R.T., Art and Archaeology of the Greek World, a new history, c.2500-c.150 BC (London, 2012): 208, FIG.8.16 (COLOUR OF PART OF A)
    Neer, R.T., Style and Politics in Athenian Vase-Painting, The Craft of Democracy, ca.530-460 B.C.E. (Cambridge, 2002): 88, 90, FIGS.41-43 (A, B, PART OF A)
    Oakley, J.H. (ed.), Athenian Potters and Painters, Volume III (Oxford and Philadelphia, 2014): 50, FIG.1, PL.5C (A, COLOUR OF A)
    Osborne, R., Archaic and Classical Greek Art, Oxford History of Art (Oxford, 1998): 140, FIG.72 (COLOUR OF PART OF A)
    Osborne, R., The Transformation of Athens Painted Pottery and the Creation of Classical Greece (Princeton and Oxford, 2018): 222, FIG.9.4-5 (A, B)
    Panto, G. (ed.), I modi dell'Eros. Reperti archeologici a tema erotico del Museo di Antichita di Torino (Turin, 2011): 18, UNNUMBERED (DRAWING OF A)
    Paul, E., Antike Keramik (Leipzig, 1982): 195 (DRAWING OF B)
    Perrot, G., Chipiez, C., Histoire de l'art dans l'antiquite, vols. IX-X (Paris, 1911-14): IX, 375 (A)
    Perrot, G., Chipiez, C., Histoire de l'art dans l'antiquite, vols. IX-X (Paris, 1911-14): X, 519-21
    Peschel, I., Die Hetäre bei Symposium und Komos in der attisch rotfigurigen Malerei des 6.-4. Jhs. v.Chr. (Frankfurt, 1987): PL.1 (PARTS OF A)
    Pfuhl, E., Malerei und Zeichnung der Griechen (Munich, 1923): FIG.388 (A)
    Reinsberg, C., Ehe, Hetärentum und Knabenliebe im antiken Griechenland (Munich, 1989): 98, FIGS.47A-B (PARTS OF A)
    Revue Archeologique: 2015.2, 282, FIG.57 (DRAWING OF PART OF B)
    Sarti, S, The Campana Collection at the Royal Museum of Art and History (Brussels) (Brussels, 2013): 64-65, NO.20 (COLOUR OF A, B, AND UH, PROFILE)
    Scheibler, I., Griechische Töpferkunst, Herstellung, Handel und Gebrauch der antiken Tongefässe (Munich, 1983): 129, FIG.115 (PART OF A)
    Scheibler, I., Griechische Töpferkunst, Herstellung, Handel und Gebrauch der antiken Tongefässe, 2nd ed. (Munich, 1995): 192, FIG.115 (PART OF A)
    Schuller, W., Die Welt der Hetären. Berühmte Frauen zwischen Legende und Wirklichkeit (Stuttgart, 2008): FIGS.6, 13 (PARTS OF A)
    Settis, S. (ed.), I Greci, Storia Cultura Arte Societa 2, Una storia greca, 1.Formazione (Turin, 1996): 820, FIG.34 (PART OF A)
    Simon, E. & Hirmer, M., Die Griechischen Vasen (Munich, 1976): PLS.110-11 (PARTS OF A & B)
    Sparkes, B.A., The Red and the Black (London, 1996): 112, FIG.IV.13 (PART OF A)
    Spivey, N., The Sarpedon Krater: The Life and Afterlife of a Greek Vase (Chicago, 2018): 81-82, FIGS.19-20 (COLOUR OF B, COLOUR DRAWING OF A)
    Tiverios, M.A., Elliniki techni, archaia angaia (Athens, 1996): 130-131, FIGS.102-103 (COLOUR OF A AND PART OF A)
    Topper, K., The imagery of the Athenian symposium (Cambridge, 2012): 148, FIG.60 (A)
    Valavanis, P. and Kourkoumelis, D., Chaire kai piei, drinking vessels (1996): 70-71 (DRAWING OF PART OF A, COLOUR OF B)
    Van den Oever-Van Linden, C., Scenes uit het oude Hellas 525-425 voor Chr. (Leuven, 1988): 31, NO.11 (PART OF A)
    Yatromanolakis, D. (ed.), An Archaeology of Representations, Ancient Greek Vase-Painting and contemporary Methodologies (Athens, 2009): 202, FIG.1 (A)
    Ziomecki, J., Les representations d'artisans sur les vases attiques (Warsaw, 1975): 37, FIG.9 (PART OF A)
  • AVI Web:
  • AVI Record Number: 2893
  • CAVI Collection: Brussels, Mus?es Royaux A 717.+
  • CAVI Lemma: RF stamnos. Smikros. Last quarter sixth. 510-500.
  • CAVI Subject: A: symposium (three pairs of youths and hetaerae). B: "man and youth filling the dinos" (ARV[2]). The man is bearded.
  • CAVI Inscriptions: A: Above the scene: Σμικρος εγρ̣αφσεν. Left pair: Χορο. Φειδιαδες, retr. Central pair: hελικε (vertical, not facing). Σμικρος (around the back of the head; he is singing). Right pair: Ροδε, retr. Αυ[τ]ομενες, retr.{2}. B: the youth: Ευαρχο̣ς̣. The man: Ευελθον. [Α]ντιας καλος. Ε[υ]αλκιδες καλος, retr. except the first sigma. Under the foot, Gr.
  • CAVI Footnotes: {1} mention of the join of NY fr. and Brussels stamnos. {2} -ομενες is on the N.Y. fr.
  • CAVI Comments: + New York 1985.60.1: now incorporated in the stamnos as permanent loan (letter from Bothmer, 15 May 1992). Self-portrait of Smikros. Euarchos occurs also as the name of a komast on Munich 2614 by the Ambrosios Painter; see ARV[2] 173/2. But as I indicate in Hesp. 61, I think he is here a servant. This contradicts Beazley's later view: in ARV[1] 20/1 he had considered the figures servants, but in the ms. addenda et corrigenda to ARV[1] he says they are not servants and in ARV[2] he says: "B: man and youth filling the dinos."
  • CAVI Number: 2893
  • AVI Bibliography: Hackl (1909), 45/502. ? Pfuhl (1923), fig. 388 (dr.). ? F. Mayence and V. Verhoogen, CVA Brussels 2, Belgium 2 (1937), III I c, pls. 12-13. ? ARV[2] (1963), 20/1 (much bibl.), (173/2), 1619. ? Para. (1971), 322. ? Johnston (1979), 111/16C 1, fig. 6a. ? Add.[2] (1989), 154 (much bibl.). ? Beazley (1989), 47, pl. 25,4. ? AttScr (1990), no. 400. ? Bothmer (1990b), 36{1}. ? Immerwahr (1992a), 121-22, pl. 29,a (B).
  • CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)
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